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The cluster XML node has attributes that determine the behavior of the overall cluster. This node is required to be present in the XML file exactly once and also has to be the root of the document.


masterAddress [ string ]

Contains the address of the node that acts as the server for this cluster. This means that one of the Node elements described in this configuration file has to have an address that corresponds to this masterAddress. This value can be either an IP address or a DNS name, which will be resolved at application startup.

setThreadAffinity optional [ integer >=0 ]

Forces the thread affinity for the main thread of the application. On Windows, this is achieved using the SetThreadAffinityMask, but it might not be implemented on other operating systems. The default value is that no thread affinity is set for the application.

debugLog optional [ boolean ]

Determines whether the logging should include Debug level log messages. The default value is false, such that only Info level log messages or above are added to the console, the file, or the registered callback. Log messages that are not logged are discarded.

externalControlPort optional [ integer > 0 ]

If this value is set, a socket will be opened at the provided port. Messages being sent to that port will trigger a call to the callback function externalDecode. If such a callback does not exist, the incoming messages are ignored. The default behavior is that no such external port is opened. Please note that operating systems have restricted behavior when trying to open ports lower than a fixed limt. For example, Unix does not allow non-elevated users to open ports < 1024.

firmSync optional [ boolean ]

Determines whether the server should frame lock and wait for all client nodes or not. The default for this is false. Additionally, it is possible (and more advised) to set the frame locking on an individual node bases for the cases where not all nodes are part of a swap group or the same swap group.
